Institutional Review Board


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Preparing Proposals & Submission Form

When preparing an initial proposal, please complete the applicable steps below.

Note that not all of these steps are required for each project.

  1. Determine who will be the Principal Investigator (PI). To qualify as a Principal Investigator, individuals must have a Marist appointment and be working within the scope of that appointment in performing the research. In special circumstances the Marist IRB Chairperson will approve the review of research conducted by researchers not affiliated with College
  2. All study team members must complete the CITI online ethics training modules
  3. If you are collaborating with another institution, please see additional instructions
  4. Make the initial determination of the type of proposal (Exempt, Expedited, Full)
  5. Informed Consent document(s) and/or statement
  6. Additional documents typically required for review
    • Recruitment Materials
    • Test Instruments (e.g. questionnaires, surveys, interview guides, focus group guides, etc.)
    Additional steps when applicable:

  7. Collaboration Agreements: Including (single IRB-of-Record (sIRB) authorization agreement (a.k.a. reliance agreement)
  8. Complete forms or requirements related to vulnerable populations and others requiring additional safe
  9. Complete forms related to Biological Materials or Radiation Safety
  10. If you are proposing research that involves a drug, biologic, dietary supplement, food, or medical device, please incorporate the relevant sections of the FDA supplement into the primary protocol template.

Read instructions carefully and complete all relevant sections of the Marist IRB submission Form. When you have completed assembling all of the components of your proposal you can submit with the 鈥淣ew Proposal鈥 button below.

If you wish to make change to an approved proposal you can make an Addendum request with the button below. Please include a detailed description of the proposed change, attach any additional material (i.e. CITI certificates) and the original proposal #.