
Title IX At Marist


Introduction To Title IX

Marist actively seeks to foster a campus environment of inclusion that is free from discriminatory and biased behaviors. 蜜月直播 is committed to preventing, responding to, and rectifying any incidents of gender-based or sexual misconduct.

The Title IX Office is the on-campus administrative body that handles incidents of sexual misconduct (including sexual assault, dating/relationship violence, domestic violence) and gender-based discrimination. This website reflects changes to the federal Title IX law that came into effect as of August 1, 2024.

For incidents reported to have occurred before August 1, 2024, the following policy will be followed: 

Marist鈥檚 Discrimination, Harassment, and Sexual Misconduct Policy (Under 2020 Final Rule) >

For all incidents reported to have occurred on August 1, 2024, or after:

Marist鈥檚 Discrimination, Harassment and Sexual Misconduct Policy (under 2024 Final Rule) >

Survivors鈥 Bill of Rights

The 鈥楴ew York State Sexual Assault Victim Bill of Rights鈥, was created by the New York State Department of Health. It is required by New York State Law to be provided to every sexual assault victim before a medical facility begins a physical examination (SANE exam), or before any law enforcement agency begins an interview. The 鈥楴ew York State Sexual Assault Victim Bill of Rights鈥 is a list of general information about your rights. You may download a copy here.  

The Center for Victim Safety and Support (CVSS) provides rape crisis services and are on-call 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to respond to and accompany sexual assault victims and secondary victims to hospital emergency rooms, police departments and court rooms.  24-Hour Hotline: (845) 452 鈥 7272.  

New York State鈥檚 law provides for a uniform sexual assault policy to protect the state鈥檚 college students. The law requires all colleges to adopt a set of comprehensive procedures and guidelines, including a uniform definition of affirmative consent, a statewide amnesty policy, and expanded access to law enforcement to ensure the safety of all students. The law also calls for colleges to conduct and share the results of sexual assault campus climate surveys every two years.

Image of Title IX coordinator Christina Daniele.

Kelly Yough, Director of Equity and Title IX Coordinator, serves as the Title IX Coordinator for the overall campus compliance for Marist. In this role, she monitors and maintains overall compliance with College policies and procedures in preventing, addressing, and remediating all forms of sex/gender-based discrimination and harassment. Additionally, Ms. Yough works with the Title IX Investigators, to investigate and respond to each complaint and monitor incidents to ensure remediation and continued compliance. The Title IX Coordinator also identifies and addresses any patterns or systemic problems that arise during the review of such complaints. The Title IX staff play an integral role in carrying out the institution's commitment to providing a positive learning, teaching, and working environment for the entire community.

Office Location: Student Center 1203
Phone: (845) 575-2210

Bill Meyer, Title IX Investigator
Eliza Benfer, Title IX Out Reach Coordinator


Image of the Marist campus with text overlayed that reads Reporting an Incident.

Marist encourages reporting incidents as this helps the College to identify issues and potential problems so that policies can be enacted to create a better campus culture for everyone.

For all complaints alleging Sexual Misconduct, Sex-Based Harassment, and Gender-Based Harassment, a formal complaint can be submitted.

 made to the Title IX office are reviewed by the college鈥檚 Title IX Coordinator; the complainant is contacted to discuss next steps in the Title IX process. 

Title IX, the landmark gender equity law, banned discrimination on the basis of sex in education and created a whole new playing field for female athletes. As the nation prepared to mark the 50th anniversary of this transformative legislation, Marist鈥檚 Center for Sports Communication and the Marist Poll previously gathered prominent female athletes and sports journalists to reflect on their careers, and how Title IX paved the way for their professional journey. Together with one of the architects of Title IX, A Celebration of Women in Sports explored the evolution of females in the sports industry and addressed the question, 鈥淒oes more still need to be done?鈥

Marist has a wide array of resources for seeking help and assistance with issues of sexual misconduct, bias, and gender discrimination. It鈥檚 important to know that different people on campus have different reporting responsibilities and different abilities to maintain confidentiality.

There are two types of resources: Confidential and Non-Confidential

Confidential resources are not required by law to report known incidents of sexual assault or other crimes to College officials. An individual who speaks to someone in a confidential professional role must understand that, if the individual wants to maintain confidentiality, the College will be unable to conduct an investigation into particular incidents or pursue disciplinary action against the alleged respondent.

Confidential resources may assist individuals in receiving other necessary protection and support, such as survivor advocacy, academic support or accommodations, disability, health and mental health services, changes in residence halls, and adjustments to working and course schedules in coordination with the Title IX Coordinator.

At Marist, the following are confidential resources:

- Health Services
- Counseling Services
- Ordained Clergy

Non-confidential resources include all other Marist employees. All employees (faculty and staff outside of the categories noted above) are required to share disclosures of policy violations to the Title IX Office.

Confidential Resources
Counseling Services, Midrise 113, 845-575-3314,
Health Services, Student Center 352, 845-575-3270,
Department of Spiritual Life and Service, Byrne House, 845-575-3000 (x2275),
-  (off-campus), 845-452-1110 (x3083)

- Center for Victim Safety & Support (24/7, off-campus crisis hotline)

Center for Victim Safety & Support Brochure

- Domestic Violence, 845-485-5550

- Rape Crisis and Crime Victims, 845-452-7272

-  (off campus), 845-431-8220
-  (off campus), 845-431-5680

Non-Confidential Resources

Title IX Office, Student Center 1203, 845-575-3799

- The Title IX Office responds to all reports of sexual harassment, sexual assault, sexual exploitation, dating and domestic violence, and stalking. The office offers both formal and informal resolutions.

- Student Conduct, Rotunda 386, 845-575-3514
- Safety & Security, Donnelly 201, 845-471-1822,
- Town of Poughkeepsie Police Department (24/7 off-campus): (Emergency) 911, (Non-Emergency) 845-485-3666

Q: Will the information I share about sexual assault be kept confidential?

A: Confidentiality depends upon whom a complainant chooses to speak with about the incident. Members of the Marist community have two types of resources available to them: Confidential and Non-Confidential.

Confidential Resources. Communications with some individuals are considered confidential. This means that any information shared by the reporting party with a specific individual will not be used against them in the Title IX process.

Students should always confirm whether confidentiality applies to the communication. Confidentiality applies when a student seeks services from the following persons/offices on campus:

  • Counseling Service
  • Health Services
  • Ordained Clergy

Off-campus confidential resources include:

  • Victim Advocate
  • Family Services
  • Personal Attorney

Non-Confidential Resources

A College employee cannot guarantee complete confidentiality, but the individual can guarantee privacy. College employees鈥攅xcept as noted above鈥攁re required to share disclosures of policy violations to the Title IX Office. Information is disclosed only to select officials who have an essential need to know in order to carry out their responsibilities.

As is the case with any educational institution, the College must balance the needs of the individual student with its obligation to protect the safety and well-being of the community at large. Therefore, depending on the seriousness of the alleged incident, further action may be necessary, including a campus security alert. The alert, however, would never contain any information identifying the student who brought the complaint.

Q: If my report of sexual misconduct involves alcohol use, will I be punished?

A: While the College does not condone violations of its policies, reporting incidents of sexual misconduct is important. Thus, the College will not pursue disciplinary action against any person for possession or consumption of alcohol or drugs when that possession or consumption is revealed in the course of a good faith report of sexual misconduct or other good faith statements made in connection with an investigation.

Q: What options do I have for reporting sexual misconduct?

A: 蜜月直播 is committed to creating an environment that encourages students to come forward if they have experienced any form of sexual misconduct.

There are two types of reports. Anyone can report an incident using the College鈥檚 form; these reports can be anonymous. A formal complaint is another type of report that is made specifically to the Title IX Office. Reports made to the Title IX Office may or may not result in an investigation. 

In addition to supporting individual students affected by sexual misconduct, the College takes all incidents seriously and has a responsibility to address misconduct. When sexual misconduct involves criminal behavior, students are strongly encouraged to report the situation to law enforcement. The College will assist the student in notifying local law enforcement if the student so requests. An incident can be reported even if the student has not decided whether to take legal action. Nonetheless, students are always free to report and are encouraged to share instances of such behavior with the Title IX Coordinator, Safety & Security, Vice President of Student Affairs, and Office of Student Conduct regardless of whether or not they choose to press formal criminal charges with law enforcement.

Students are strongly encouraged to report incidents of, or share information about, sexual misconduct as soon as possible. This is true even if the student with a complaint or a witness may have concern that his or her own alcohol or drug use, or other prohibited conduct were involved. Again, the College will not pursue disciplinary violations against a student with a complaint or a witness for their improper use of alcohol or drugs if the student is making a good faith report of sexual misconduct.

The College can take action only if the College is made aware of the behavior. If a College administrator becomes aware of a complaint or other violation of this policy, the administrator should bring the information to the Title IX Coordinator so that concerns are heard and services can be offered to the reporting party.

Q: Is there a time limit to make a report or file a formal complaint? What offices should be contacted?

A: The College strongly encourages prompt reporting of complaints and information rather than risking any student's well-being. Although there is no time limit on the reporting of formal charges with the College, the College may ultimately be unable to adequately investigate if too much time has passed or if the accused student has graduated. Factors that could negatively impact the College's ability to investigate include the loss of physical evidence (e.g., prompt medical examinations are critical to preserving the physical evidence of sexual assault), the potential departure of witnesses, or loss of memory.

The College strongly encourages students to report concerns to either or both of the following offices:

  • For emergencies, contact 911. For non-emergencies, or if criminal behavior is involved, students are encouraged to contact the Police by telephone at:
    • 845-485-3666 (Town of Poughkeepsie Police Department)
    • 845-451-4000 (City of Poughkeepsie Police Department)

Contacting the police does not mean you must pursue charges. The police can advise you of your options and can also preserve evidence while you consider your options.

  • To seek assistance and support, or to report misconduct, contact the Title IX Coordinator (845-575-2210)
    • In all situations, the College's goal is to treat the student who reports misconduct with sensitivity and fairness, while also ensuring the accused individual receives due process if any disciplinary action is to be imposed.
    • Student Affairs staff members are available to a student with a complaint if the student would like assistance throughout any College investigation or adjudication process. This staff member is not an "advocate" as that term is used nor is that staff person a representative who will speak on behalf of the student in any investigatory or adjudication process. Rather, the staff member serves as an "advisor," a point of contact to answer questions and explain processes, join the student in meetings, and make sure the student's expressed needs are being addressed.
    • For complaints against other students, faculty, or staff the Discrimination, Harassment, and Sexual Misconduct policy and procedure will govern the process.
    • In situations where a responding party faces both a disciplinary complaint and a criminal charge, the College reserves the right to move forward with an investigative and adjudication process at the same time the criminal process is proceeding.

Q: What happens after I file a report? Will the Title IX Office communicate with me?

A: Once the Title IX Office receives a report, a staff member will reach out to the Complainant (the person who has been victimized) and offer resources and options available on campus and in the community. Individuals are not obligated to communicate with the Title IX Office. If a report results in an investigation, both the Complainant and Respondent will be provided with written notice of the initiation of each major stage of the investigative process. This includes, but is not limited to, a notice of investigation, informing parties when investigators are meeting with the other party, when interviews have concluded, and when a preliminary report is completed.

Q: What are the benefits of reporting a sexual assault to the police?

A: Contacting the Police does not mean you must pursue charges. The Police can advise you of your options and can also preserve evidence while you consider your options. The Police can also advise you on safety planning techniques.
For emergencies, contact 911. For non-emergencies students are encouraged to contact the Police by telephone at:

  • 845-485-3666 (Town of Poughkeepsie Police Department)
  • 845-451-4000 (City of Poughkeepsie Police Department)

Q: Does it make a difference if the sexual misconduct occurs on or off campus?

A: No. According to the College's policy and procedures, under the grievance section it is defined that sexual misconduct, sexual assault, sexual exploitation, dating violence, domestic violence, and stalking covers both on-campus and off-campus conduct, as those terms are described below.
On-Campus Violations

The campus includes the geographic confines of the College, including its land, institutional roads and buildings, its leased premises, common areas at leased premises, the property, facilities and leased premises of organizations affiliated with the College, such as the Student Union or College housing. College housing includes all types of College residence housing such as halls and apartments. Unrecognized housing includes fraternity and sorority chapter dwellings.
Off-Campus Violations

Students should be aware that off campus violations that affect a clear and distinct interest of the College are subject to disciplinary action. As examples, sexual misconduct and harassment are within the College's interests when the behavior:

  • Involves conduct directed at or by a College student, employee, or other member of the College community (e.g., private house party, utside employment);
  • Occurs during College-sponsored events (e.g., field trips, social or educational functions, College-related travel, student recruitment activities, internships and service learning experiences);
  • Occurs during the events of organizations affiliated with the College, including the events of student organizations;
  • Occurs during a Study Abroad Program or other international travel; or
  • Poses a disruption or threat to the College community.

Q: Why should I seek medical attention when I haven't decided whether I want to report the assault to the police or the College?

A: Seeking medical attention can help you in many ways. First, seeking medical attention can help you take care of your own health by checking for injuries, treating those injuries, and addressing the possibility of sexually transmitted infections (STIs) and pregnancy.

Second, a forensic medical exam can preserve evidence of the assault. This is important even if you are currently undecided about your next steps because you may later decide to pursue criminal charges or College disciplinary charges - that evidence can help in both situations. A medical exam is not, however, required before pursuing criminal or College disciplinary charges.

In Dutchess County, New York, initial medical exams are free for a person who has been sexually assaulted.

Q: Where can I find information about safety and crime statistics for the College?

A: The purpose of the Annual Security & Fire Safety Report is to provide our faculty, staff, students, and visitors with campus security and safety information in order that their experiences at 蜜月直播 may be safe and enjoyable. It has been prepared by the 蜜月直播 Safety & Security Department and anyone with questions pertaining to this report, or any security-related issue or concern, should contact the Director of Safety & Security at (845) 471-1822.

This report is filed as required by the federal 鈥淐rime Awareness and Campus Security Act,鈥 (hereafter referred to as the Campus Safety Act) which was last amended in 1998. The report also includes reporting requirements mandated by the Higher Education Opportunity Act (HEOA) of 2008 and the Violence Against Women Reauthorization Act (VAWA) of 2013. Collectively, the laws require that 蜜月直播 prepare and publish both an Annual Security Report and an Annual Fire Safety Report. 蜜月直播 incorporates both reports into one main report called the Annual Security & Fire Safety Report. The laws are designed to provide individuals with a better understanding of campus security and safety issues so that they may make informed decisions. Marist has taken a proactive approach to campus security and safety, is in full compliance with all laws applicable to campus safety, and is pleased to prepare, publish and distribute this report to all current students and employees. This report is also available to any applicant for enrollment or employment at 蜜月直播.

Sexual Assault Campus Climate Survey

Marist has conducted three Sexual Assault Campus Climate surveys in order to learn more about:
  • Students鈥 perceptions of the College鈥檚 climate on unwanted sexual contact and sexual assault.
  • Students鈥 perceptions of how the College addresses and responds to sexual assault.
  • Whether and how often students have experienced unwanted sexual contact or sexual assault.
We realize that we can only begin real improvement when we receive candid feedback. The last survey was conducted in November 2022. Key findings are available here.