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Marist Commencement
Celebrating the Class of 2025
• The graduate ceremony will be on Friday, May 23.
• The undergraduate ceremony will be on Saturday, May 24.ֱ
Marist Commencement
Celebrating the Class of 2025
• The graduate ceremony will be on Friday, May 23.
• The undergraduate ceremony will be on Saturday, May 24.Academics
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Marist Commencement
Celebrating the Class of 2025
• The graduate ceremony will be on Friday, May 23.
• The undergraduate ceremony will be on Saturday, May 24.Admission & Financial Aid
Student Life
Marist Commencement
Celebrating the Class of 2025
• The graduate ceremony will be on Friday, May 23.
• The undergraduate ceremony will be on Saturday, May 24.Student Life
- Athletics
Dr. Kristin Bayer
Chair of the History Department; Associate Professor of History; Director of Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality program
I teach the Asian history classes at Marist, which include: Traditional China, Modern China, Traditional Asia, Modern Asia, Women in Asia, Introduction to Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies, and upper-level courses such The Vietnam War, Representations of Tibet, and Afghanistan and its Wars. My First Year Seminars are The Global Drug Trade and Revolution!
PhD, History, New York University
Major: Chinese History
Double Minor: Japanese History, History of Women and Gender.
Dissertation: Substance and Symbol: China and the Global Opium Trade of the 19th Century.
Research Interests / Areas of Focus
China, Asia, and transnationalism; the nineteenth century global opium trade between Britain, British India, and China; the history of women and gender; global revolutionary interactions, revolutionary photography.
Selected Publications
"Desire, Disguise and Distaste: Early Missionary and Merchant Negotiations in Guangzhou, China" forthcoming in Merchants and Missionaries: Trade and Religion in World History edited by Alfred P. Andrea, forthcoming, Cambria Press.
"Contagious Consumption: Commodity Debates over the Eighteenth and Nineteenth Century China Trade" International Journal of Pacific Asian Studies Vol. 8, No. 2 (2012): 73-94.
"From Out of this World to the Cold War: Lowell Thomas, Tibet, and the State Department," Hudson River Valley Review Vol. 2, No. 2 (Spring 2012): 47-67.
“Add Women and Stir: Female Presidents in Pop Culture, 2012-2016” co-authored with Angela Laflen, Michelle Smith, Riana Ramirez, Jessica Recce, and Molly Scott. Seneca Falls Dialogues Journal Vol. 2, Article 5 (2017).
"Set in Stone: continuity and omission in possessive representations of the Great Wall" in Theorizing the Heritage Turn in China, Amsterdam: International Institute of Asian Studies/Amsterdam University Press, 2020
Book review, Merchants of Canton and Macao: Politics and Strategies in Eighteenth-Century Chinese Trade, written by Paul A. Van Dyke. Journal of Early Modern History volume 18, issue 3, 2014.
Creative Work
Local History Work:
Contributor and to the identifying and archiving of the William Edgar Geil papers at the Doylestown Historical Society, Doylestown, PA
Evangelical Exploration: defining the globality of William Edgar Geil. Local history manuscript highlighting the historic significance of Geil based upon his archive.
Selected Presentations
Organization of American Historians, Sacramento California “Women Inventing Alternatives” Chair and Discussant, April 2018
Berkshire Conference on Women and Gender Hofstra University, Hempstead NY "Gendering the Iconography: competing images of revolutionary identity in the 1920s and 1930s" June 2017
Seneca Falls Dialogues Conference Seneca Falls, NY “Madame President: Presidential Politics as Women’s Work. October 2016
International Symposium on Heritage of China Suzhou, China “Set in Stone: continuity and omission in possessive representations of the Great Wall” 6 - 8 April 2016
Organization of American Historians conference St. Louis, MO, “Addicts, dealers, and scolds: the American encounter with opium” Chair and Discussant. April 16-19 2015
New York University in Shanghai “The Concept of China”, Shanghai, China, November 2013
New York Conference on Asian Studies Binghamton University Binghamton, NY, “Art and The Real: political and corresponding representational change in painting and photography” Fall 2013
New York Conference on Asian Studies SUNY New Paltz, Program Board Member, Discussant and Chair. 2012
Association of the Study of Food and Society Conference Missoula, Montana: “Drinking, eating, smoking: tea and opium as contagious commodities” Summer 2011
Women and Society Conference, ֱ: “Global Concepts of Chinese Masculinity in Relation to Opium Consumption” Fall 2010
New York Conference on Asian Studies, SUNY Brockport, NY: Panel Chair and Organizer:
Pedagogy: Bringing Asia into the Classroom’ Paper Presented: “Tools for Creating Connections for Non-Majors.” Fall 2010
Association for Cultural Studies Crossroads Conference, Hong Kong, China: “Fear and Desire: The Opium Den in the Asian Diaspora Constructed as Chinese Space” Spring 2010
Women and Society Conference ֱ: “Getting at the Maternal: Cross-Cultural Analysis of Mothering in the Women's Studies Classroom” Oct 2009
World History Conference, Salem, Massachusetts: Panel Organizer, Sensations of
Smoking: Opiates in the Global Context Paper Presented: “Inside Out: Chinese Opium Smoking in the Asian Diaspora.” Panel Chair, Opium: Transformations and Chemistries Paper Presented: “Desire, Disguise and Distaste: Early Missionary and Merchant negotiations in Guangzhou, China.” Spring 2009
Women and Society Conference ֱ: “Asian Women’s Activism in Research and Teaching” Fall 2008
New York Conference Asian Studies SUNY New Paltz: “Facing Asia through Fiction: Using Novels & Other Nontraditional Texts to Teach ֱ Asia” Discussant: “The Transnational City in Early 20th Century China.” Fall 2005
New York Conference Asian Studies, Bard College: Panel Chair “At the Chinese Frontier” Fall 2004
Awards and Honors
ֱ School of Liberal Arts Spring/Summer/Fall Travel Grant, 2009 - present
Andrew W. Mellon Fellowship at the Massachusetts Historical Society Phillips Library Research Grant, Salem Massachusetts 2003
Doris Quinn Fellowship for East Asian studies 2000-20001
New York University, Departmental and University Funding 1994-2002
Ford Grant for Gender and Area Studies dissertation research in London, England 1999
New York University, Outstanding Teaching Assistant Award 1996
Member affiliations: Association of Asian Studies, American Historical Association, World History Association, National Women’s Studies Association
Service: Director, Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Program; Co-Director, Women’s Studies Program; Chair, Academic Affairs Committee; Member, Strategic Plan Steering Committee; Member, Academic Affairs Committee; Faculty Advisor of (Co-) Phi Alpha Theta History Honor Society, Asian Alliance, (Co-) Phi Alpha Theta History Club, STARR; Gillespie Forum, member, co-chair
Association of Asian Studies
American Historical Association
World History Association