Dr. Zion Klos

Department Chair; Associate Professor of Environmental Science


Zion Klos hiking outdoors

As an environmental Earth scientist, I focus on integrating the physical, ecological, and social sciences, often through the lens of issues surrounding water and climate. Before Marist, I was based at the University of California, Santa Barbara while pursuing research focused on the overlap of ecohydrology, geology, and land management in mountain systems. This work stemmed from doctoral research at the University of Idaho focused on the interaction of water, ecology, and society in the western US, Costa Rica, and the Eastern Seaboard (via a year on a sailboat). There I specialized in physical hydrology and climate science, but was also part of a unique, team-based Ph.D. focused on using a psychological lens to communicate and evaluate how changes in climate were impacting decision-making in resource-dependent communities.

My foundational interests in physical sciences stem from my undergraduate major in geology at Colorado College. There I fostered another major personal interest in outdoor leadership. At Marist, I bring these same types of transformative outdoor-based, project-focused research and course experiences to my students to help them better understand the natural world and its integration with society, both locally and globally.


Research Interests / Areas of Focus

Selected Publications

Creative Work

Selected Presentations

Awards and Honors

Media Links

Image of Zion Klos

Contact Information

Academic School

School of Science


Donnelly 104E




(920) 883-8617
