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Mid-Hudson Business Plan Competition

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The 12th Annual Mid-Hudson Regional Business Plan Competition
April 5th, 2024

For additional information, contact Cynthia Worrad,

The Mid-Hudson Regional Business Plan Competition (MHRBPC) represents a unique opportunity for sponsors collaborating with the program to provide visibility and marketing for their organizations.  This semi-final competition is a lead-in for the premier collegiate business plan competition in New York State and one of the largest competitions of this kind in the country. 

In addition to the 6-month targeted marketing strategy deployed by the organizers that actively promotes sponsors of the program, the MHRBPC provides:

  • Access to participating students from major college and university communities throughout the 7-county region
  • Opportunity to network with investors as well as other business and political leaders who participate in the program
  • Exposure to the future business leaders in the community
  • Opportunity to support and encourage the entrepreneurial spirit and help advance the technology transfer originating at the region's leading academic institutions
  • Opportunity for economic development and job creation through start-up creation

The Mid-Hudson Regional Business Plan Competition depends on the generous support of our sponsors. Please consider becoming a sponsor today!


Sponsorship Levels -  for 2024 Competition

Platinum - $10,000 or above

Logo Recognition on website and marketing material 
Verbal Recognition at all promotional events and day of MHRBPC
Sponsor table at day of MHRBPC 
Presentation of Award
Sponsor 30 second statement of support at Awards Ceremony
Recognition at Competition Day Networking Reception

Gold - $5,000 or above

Logo Recognition on website and marketing material 
Verbal Recognition at all promotional events and day of MHRBPC
Sponsor table at day of MHRBPC 
Presentation of Award

Silver - $2,000 or above

Logo Recognition on website and marketing material 
Verbal Recognition at all promotional events and day of MHRBPC
Sponsor table at day of MHRBPC 

Bronze - $1,000 or above

Logo Recognition on website and marketing material 
Verbal Recognition at all promotional events and day of MHRBPC

If you would like to sponsor the Mid-Hudson Regional Business Plan Competition please contact: Cynthia Worrad, or Roberta Diggins,  



Gold Sponsors

Silver Sponsor



Bronze Sponsors


Ulster Savings Bank





In-Kind Sponsors