Department of Spiritual Life and Service Community Meetings
With over 1,300 student members, the Department of Spiritual Life and Service is the largest student group at Marist. Each month year-level community meetings are held, which include presentations, announcements and fellowship.
Religious Communities
Evangelical Christian students meet weekly for praise, Bible Study and fellowship.
Catholic Connections
Our Catholic Student group meets 3 times a month. Provides support for students seeking to grow in their faith through prayer, service, and social gatherings.
Christ Life Groups
These groups meet weekly for support and conversation arouns a Gospel passge, connecting to their lives today.
Jewish Activities
Rabbi Rena Blumenthal coodinates Jewish student activities from monthly Shabbats to a Seder Meal around Passover, as well as, advising our Hillel Club.
Orthodox Christians
This group meets on Sunday nights. You can also join them for Church services in the community on Sunday mornings.
Protestant students from the mainline traditions gather each week for Bible study.
Prayer and Worship
Our Lady Seat of Wisdom Chapel is open daily for quiet prayer from 7:00 A.M. until 10:00 P.M.
The Inter-Faith Prayer Room
Located in the Chapel, is open for quiet prayer from 7:00 A.M. until 10:00 P.M.
Catholic Services
Mass Schedule:
Sundays at 6:30 p.m.
Sacrament of Reconciliation: Weekly on Wednesdays from 12:30 - 1:30 p.m. during the semester and by appointment.
Sacramental Preparation (R.C.I.A.): This program is for any student interested in investigating the way of life, beliefs and rituals of the Catholic Church, with a view towards being baptized Catholic or completing the Sacraments of Initiation: Eucharist/Confirmation.
Liturgical Ministries: Students are encouraged to participate in any of our Liturgical Ministries, including serving as Eucharistic Ministers, lectors and Greeters.
Liturgical Choir: The Choir facilitates the sung prayer at the Sunday Evening Mass. Musicians are always welcome. The Choir is open to all students, faculty and staff. Rehearsal is held for one hour in the Chapel before 6:30 PM Mass on Sundays. Join us!
Other Christian Services
Christian Prayer and Worship is held weekly in the two student groups: QUEST (for Protestants in the mainline traditions) and ARISE (formerly Campus Christian Fellowship). In addition, there are occasional inter-denominational services held on campus. A lisiting of off-campus local worship services is available from the Department of Spiritual Life and Service office.
Jewish Services
Transportation is provided to services for the High Holy Days. Shabbat Services followed by a dinner will be scheduled on several Friday evenings. Please refer back to our Fall 2020 semester calendar for further information. The Seder Meal is celebrated on campus each Spring.
Local Area Places of Worship
Baptist: First Baptist Church 164 S. Cherry Street Poughkeepsie 845-454-1340
The 蜜月直播 Retreat Program offers Retreats throughout the year for all students. They are organized and run by trained Student Retreat Leaders.
Connect: First-Year Student Overnight Retreat
This retreat gives students an opportunity to meet other classmates while sharing on topics such as adjusting to college and making room for God.
Other Retreat Opportunities
Outdoor retreats, topical retreats, and other retreats are offered throughout the year (Yoga, Cooking, Women's, Men's, Buddhist Mindfulness Retreat, Interfaith Retreat etc). The various groups within the Department of Spiritual Life and Service office offer Retreats each year. These include: the Catholic Student Retreat, QUEST (Protestant) Retreat, Men's Spirit Retreat and the Women's Spirit Retreat.
Spiritual & Community Building Programs
Inter-Faith Group
This group brings together students from various faith traditions to organize and provide opportunities for 蜜月直播 students to learn about similarities and differences among religious traditions. The Interfaith Group seeks to promote mutual understanding, respect, and inter-religious harmony.
Women's Spirit Group
Each week 3 Women's Spirituality Groups are held for First Year Students. The others are for sophomores, juniors and seniors. These groups offer an opportunity for women to gather in an experience of women's spirituality.
Men's Spirit Group
Men's Groups meet each week for conversations on topics selected by the group. These topics might include: spirituality, personal identity, relationships and transitions into college.
蜜月直播 has a great tradition of service to others. The following programs are offered to all students:
Weekly Service
Students volunteer time each week serve in local schools and social agencies. Click here for more information.
Special Community Service
For students who are interested and able to occasionally serve those in need. Projects include: Community Service Day, collecting food for local food pantries, assisting local schools with Friday evening or weekend events, sorting for the coat drive, collecting for clothing drives or toiletry drives.
Hunger Awareness Month
November is Hunger Awareness Month at Marist. The goal of the program is to raise consciousness to the needs of those who are poor locally, nationally and internationally; and to raise money to help fight hunger. Activities include: The Walk/Run for Hunger, Buck Hunger Days, a campus wide Food Collection, a Hunger Awareness Meal and Petition Day.
Giving Tree Project
Each December the Marist community, through its various clubs, organizations, offices and individual efforts provides over 30 families in need with holiday gifts.
Post-Graduate Volunteer Opportunities
Seniors are encouraged to give a year of service after graduation. Many programs provide housing, a stipend and loan deferral allowing graduates to serve those in need both in the USA and abroad.
Communities, Activities, and Religious Retreats
The Department of Spiritual Life and Service is dedicated to supporting students of varying faiths and providing opportunities for religious growth and experiences. Through retreats, service-based activities, and assorted religious communities, students can further connect with their spiritual beliefs while connecting with their fellow Red Foxes.
The 蜜月直播 Retreat Program offers Retreats throughout the year for all students. They are organized and run by trained Student Retreat Leaders.
Connect: First-Year Student Overnight Retreat
This retreat allows students to meet other classmates while sharing topics such as adjusting to college and making room for God.
Other Retreat Opportunities
Outdoor retreats, topical retreats, and other retreats are offered throughout the year (Yoga, Cooking, Women's, Men's, Buddhist Mindfulness Retreats, Interfaith Retreats, etc). The various groups within the Department of Spiritual Life and Service office also offer yearly retreats, including the Catholic Student Retreat, QUEST (Protestant) Retreat, Men's Spirit Retreat, and the Women's Spirit Retreat.
Spiritual & Community Building Programs
Inter-Faith Group
This group brings together students from various faith traditions to organize and provide opportunities for Marist students to learn about similarities and differences among religious traditions. The Interfaith Group seeks to promote mutual understanding, respect, and inter-religious harmony.
Women's Spirit Group
Each week 3 Women's Spirituality Groups are held for first-year students. The others are for sophomores, juniors and seniors. These groups offer an opportunity for women to gather in an experience of women's spirituality.
Men's Spirit Group
Men's Groups meet each week for conversations on topics selected by the group. These topics might include spirituality, personal identity, relationships, and transitions into college.
蜜月直播 has a great tradition of service to others. The following programs are offered to all students:
Weekly Service
Students volunteer time each week serve in local schools and social agencies. Click here for more information.
Special Community Service
For students who are interested and able to occasionally serve those in need. Projects include: Community Service Day, collecting food for local food pantries, assisting local schools with Friday evening or weekend events, sorting for the coat drive, collecting for clothing drives or toiletry drives.
Hunger Awareness Month November is Hunger Awareness Month at Marist. The goal of the program is to raise consciousness to the needs of those who are poor locally, nationally and internationally; and to raise money to help fight hunger. Activities include: The Walk/Run for Hunger, Buck Hunger Days, a campus wide Food Collection, a Hunger Awareness Meal and Petition Day.
Giving Tree Project Each December the Marist community, through its various clubs, organizations, offices and individual efforts provides over 30 families in need with holiday gifts.
Post-Graduate Volunteer Opportunities Seniors are encouraged to give a year of service after graduation. Many programs provide housing, a stipend and loan deferral allowing graduates to serve those in need both in the USA and abroad.
Communities, Activities, and Retreats
The Department of Spiritual Life and Service is dedicated to supporting students of varying faiths and providing opportunities for religious growth and experiences. With over 1,300 student members, the Department of Spiritual Life and Service is the largest student group at Marist. Monthly meetings are held that feature presentations, announcements, and fellowship. Through retreats, service-based activities, and assorted religious communities, students can further connect with their spiritual beliefs while connecting with their fellow Red Foxes.
Religious Communities
Evangelical Christian students meet weekly for praise, Bible Study and fellowship.
These groups meet weekly throughout the year, and offer community and support to each other as they navigate college life.
Our Catholic Student group meets 3 times a month on Monday nights. Provides support for students seeking to grow in their faith through prayer, service, and social gatherings.
Athletes from multiple sports meet weekly to discuss faith, sports, struggles, and victories, and engage in fellowship with each other. FCA at Marist enjoys scripture, great food, fun games, and plenty of competition.
These groups meet weekly for support and conversation arouns a Gospel passage, connecting to their lives today.
Rabbi Rena Blumenthal coodinates Jewish student activities from monthly Shabbats to a Seder Meal around Passover, as well as, advising our Hillel Club.
This group meets on Sunday nights. You can also join them for Church services in the community on Sunday mornings.
The Muslim Student Association supports students through their faith. The group holds a variety of events, fundraisers, and much more.
The Sikh Student Association at 蜜月直播 is meant to spread awareness about Sikhism and show the inclusiveness and colorfulness of Sikhism. This club allows Sikh students and other students interested in Sikhism to get together, have fun, and hold enjoyable events!
Prayer and Worship
Our Lady Seat of Wisdom Chapel is open daily for quiet prayer from 7:00 A.M. until 10:00 P.M.
Catholic Services
Mass Schedule:
Sundays at 6:30 P.M.
Work-day 12:05 P.M. Mass for the following:
All Saints Day
Ash Wednesday
Ascension Day
Superbowl Sunday Mass is at 4:00 P.M.
Sacrament of Reconciliation:
The Sacrament of Reconciliation is offered 30 minutes prior to the Sunday Mass
Sacramental Preparation (R.C.I.A.):
This program is for any student interested in investigating the way of life, beliefs and rituals of the Catholic Church, with a view towards being baptized Catholic or completing the Sacraments of Initiation: Eucharist/Confirmation.
Liturgical Ministries:
Students are encouraged to participate in any of our Liturgical Ministries, including serving as Eucharistic Ministers, lectors and Greeters.
Liturgical Choir:
The Choir facilitates the sung prayer at the Sunday Evening Mass. Musicians are always welcome. The Choir is open to all students, faculty and staff. Rehearsal is held for one hour in the Chapel before 6:30 PM Mass on Sundays. Join us!
Located in the Chapel, the Interfaith Prayer Room is open for quiet prayer from 7:00 A.M. until 10:00 P.M. and can be entered through the side door, on the library side of the building.
Other Christian Services
Christian Prayer and Worship is held by weekly student groups like ARISE (formerly Campus Christian Fellowship). In addition, there are occasional inter-denominational services held on campus. A lisiting of off-campus local worship services is available from the Department of Spiritual Life and Service office.
Jewish Services
Transportation is provided to services for the High Holy Days. Shabbat Services followed by a dinner will be scheduled on several Friday evenings. Please refer back to our Fall 2020 semester calendar for further information. The Seder Meal is celebrated on campus each Spring.
Transportation is provided for Muslim students to a local Mosque and the Sihk students to a local Temple as needed/desired.
First Baptist Church, 164 S. Cherry Street Poughkeepsie, 845-454-1340
Kagyu Thubten Choling Monastery, 245 Sheafe Road Wappingers Falls, 845-297-5761
Regina Coeli, 2 Harvey Street Hyde Park, 845-229-2134
St. Mary's, 1o Lafayette Place Poughkeepsie, 845-425-2333
Christian Scientist:
First Church of Christ Scientist, 32 Hooker Ave. Poughkeepsie, 845-454-2880
First Congregational Church, United Church of Christ 269 Mill St. Poughkeepsie, 845-454-2960
Christ Episcopal, 20 Carroll St. Poughkeepsie, 845-452-8220
St. Paul's, 161 Madison St. Poughkeepsie, 845-452-8440
Greek Orthodox:
Kimisis Greek Orthodox Church, 140 Grand Ave. Poughkeepsie, 845-452-0772
Congregation Schomre Israel (Modern Orthodox), 18 Park Ave. Poughkeepsie, 845-454-2890
Temple Beth-el (Conservative), 118 Grand Ave. Poughkeepsie, 845-454-0570
Vassar Temple (Reform), 67 S. Randolph Ave. Poughkeepsie, 845-454-2570
First Evangelican Lutheran, 325 Mill St. Poughkeepsie, 845-452-6050
St. John's, 55 Wilbur Blvd. Poughkeepsie, 845-452-1550
Poughkeepsie United, 2381 New Hackensack Rd. Poughkeepsie, 845-452-2933
Smith Metroploitan AME Zion, 124 Smith St. Poughkeepsie, 845-454-1913
Mormon: Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, 204 Spackenkill Rd. Poughkeepsie, 845-462-2470
Trinity Temple, 14 Bridge St. Poughkeepsie, 845-471-5815
Unitarian Universalist:
Unitarian Universalist Fellowship, 67 S. Randolph Ave. Poughkeepsie, 845-471-6580
Each semester, several retreat opportunities are provided to Marist students to take a step back from college life and reflect, pray, meditate, and build community. This Fall we have planned:
September 20-21, 2024: First Year Retreat
October 5, 2024: Hiking Retreat 1 (weather permitting)
November 10, 2024: Hiking Retreat 2 (weather permitting)
November 15-16, 2024: Catholic Connections Retreat