Marist campus in Florence Italy.

Study Abroad

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Frequently Asked Questions: Marist Abroad


Why should I study abroad?

Study abroad is an integral part of a well-rounded liberal arts education in at least four ways. First, study abroad helps to develop a critical awareness and ability to navigate pressing global issues, and fosters the ability to contextualize diverse points of view within historical, political, and cultural contexts. Second, study abroad enhances academic learning, be it through exposure to international academic perspectives within one鈥檚 field, an opportunity to reflect upon and apply classroom study to real-world contexts, or rapid progression in foreign language acquisition. Third, study abroad supports personal growth. Study abroad enhances the development of vital life skills such as independence, drive, flexibility, a desire to look at issues from multiple perspectives, and problem solving skills in new and challenging situations. Finally, study abroad supports career development. This fact has been borne out in the research: many prospective employers view the study abroad experience as a highly desirable asset.

Where can I study abroad?

Marist offers semester and academic-year programs across the globe. A list of programs is available here.

A range of short-term study abroad programs (1-3 weeks) are also available. Many students who for whatever reason cannot study abroad for a semester or academic year may choose to participate in one or more faculty-led, short term programs. A number of students will also participate in a short-term program as 鈥渨arm-up鈥 to the semester or academic year abroad endeavor. More information on our short-term programs can be found here.

What program should I choose?

This is a central question and one that individual students must take time to consider. Do you want to complete an internship alongside your classroom studies? Do you wish to complete major, minor, elective, or core coursework abroad, or a combination of these? Would you benefit from a homestay? Want to engage in community service or volunteer work?

Students interested in short-term study abroad should review the tentative list of upcoming short-term programs, and speak with the individual Program Director as to academic content and objectives of particular programs. The Marist Abroad office can assist in this discussion as well.

In terms of semester and academic year abroad, Marist Abroad looks forward to working with you to find the study abroad experience that best fits your educational goals. A good place to start is our website, to think through what options make the most sense for you. A list of our semester and academic year study abroad programs can be found here. You may wish to speak with study abroad alumni who can offer an insider's perspective on the study abroad experience. Marist Abroad regularly hosts Study Abroad Ambassador Information Tables as well as other information sessions on campus.

Once you have an idea of your educational objectives in study abroad, schedule a time to meet with your academic advisor to discuss how study abroad fits in with your academic plan, and to determine which program is right for you. Students in need of further advice are encouraged to come to the Marist Abroad office during one of our Open Study Abroad Advising Periods.

How do I get overseas courses approved for Marist credit?

As part of the pre-departure process, students fill out a course selection form in place of registering through the MyMarist portal. For each overseas course, students share the course description or syllabus with the appropriate Marist Department Chair. Then, the Chair can assign an equivalent to Marist and indicate what credit the student will receive, and where the course will populate in the student's degree requirements (Core, Major, Minor, Concentration, Elective). 

Some abroad programs have lists of 'pre-approved classes,' where a Marist equivalent is already established. These programs include Florence, FIE London, Marist Mod'Spe, Marist Madrid, ASAP, and Aston Business School, along with a few others. Be sure to check if the program you are interested in or applying to has classes already pre-approved for Marist credit. Note that where a course is pre-approved, the assigned Marist equivalent course will be used for all students.

Can I intern abroad?

There are several semester programs where an internship is built in to the program (FIE London, Hansard Scholars Programme, to name two) and other programs where an internship is an option for motivated students. While abroad, student interns commit to a set number of hours and credits, and remain in touch with their academic department's Internship Coordinator. While each department has different requirements, interns abroad typically submit journal entries, complete a series of required assignments, and compare notes with other interns around the world. In addition to internships, there are also a range of service learning programs for students seeking more targeted experiential learning.

How do I apply for study abroad?

Application information for both short-term, semester, and academic year programs can be found here.

Apply early to secure your spot on the program!

What are the requirements for study abroad?

Marist requires a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.5 at the time of application for semester study abroad. Most programs have higher requirements, however, and these requirements are noted on the programs page. Short-term programs require a minimum cumulative of 2.0 to be considered for admission. All study abroad students are required to be in good disciplinary standing with the Office of Student Conduct. First-years, sophomores, juniors, and seniors may apply for Marist short-term programs. Participation in semester and academic year programs requires sophomore, junior or senior status (with the exception of the First-Year Florence Experience). There are also a number of study abroad opportunities open to graduate students.

The application for study abroad comprises basic directory information, transcripts, a letter of recommendation, an entrance essay, and other supporting documentation. Application information and instructions can be found here.

How much does study abroad cost?

Students pay full-time undergraduate tuition based on the College鈥檚 approved tuition schedule plus an additional study abroad fee to enroll in the Marist Abroad Program (MAP). Students may access their tuition information through their MyMarist account. The MAP study abroad fee covers overseas housing, health insurance, pre-departure orientation, and program support from the Marist Office of International Programs. The MAP study abroad fee is based on upper-class, on-campus housing charges. A limited number of programs require payment of an additional supplement to the MAP study abroad fee. For more information, please contact the Office of International Programs.

Will my decision to study abroad impact my ability to live on-campus when I return?

All housing decisions at the College are made based on the priority point system, which assigns points to students based on their academic average, involvement with extra-curricular activities, disciplinary history, and condition of their residence area. The system is used by the Office of Housing and Residential Life to place students in housing after their entering first year at Marist.

Housing decisions for students choosing to study abroad are also made within the framework of the priority points system. However, because the College has a fixed number of beds available on campus, a large number of students choosing to study abroad in one semester may limit the number of beds available on campus in the semester they return. In that case, campus housing is offered to study abroad participants with the highest priority points. 

Will my decision to study abroad impact my ability to graduate on time?

One of the first steps in planning your semester abroad is to work with your academic advisor and the Marist Abroad office to identify programs that allow you to remain on track to graduation. Having an updated 4-year plan, identifying courses that can be taken abroad, and planning early and often will allow you to graduate on time. 

An important note for seniors who choose to study abroad: semester abroad program transcripts can take three to four months to arrive at Marist. Graduating seniors studying abroad in the semester immediately preceding graduation may have a later conferral date. Similarly, graduating seniors participating in spring attachments may also have a later conferral date based on the program's end date. In both cases, students would receive an August 31 conferral, rather than a May 31 conferral. 

Graduating seniors studying abroad in their final semester can walk during the spring commencement ceremony as long as: they are eligible to walk in the spring ceremony, and their program dates do not conflict with the graduation day.

Any other advice?

In addition to identifying the right program for you, discussing matters with your academic advisor, and completing your application as noted above, we also recommend checking out our  and following us on .

Also, look for our Marist Abroad Information Sessions and the Study Abroad Fair -- both are offered each semester and are announced through MyMarist and the Marist Abroad page. We look forward to working with you!

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