Image of the McCann baseball field.


Club Sports

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The goal of Marist Club Baseball is to allow students who are passionate about the game of baseball to continue to play competitively in college. The club encourages a fun and relaxed environment but is focused on winning each game. Marist Club Baseball is a member of the NCBA Division II in the New England Central Region. The club competes against Albany,
Siena, Clarkson, Vermont, Oneonta and other Northeast-based institutions. In the 2023-24 season, Marist Club Baseball was New England South champions.

Image of Marist Club Baseball Logos

Club Leadership

President - Glenn Halliday

Vice President - Aidan Lavin

Treasurer - Christian Carrieri

Secretary - Patrick Gay

Social Media - Max Rosen, Micahel Schiavone

Meeting Times

Club Baseball does not meet at specific times each week, rather the team practices based upon field availability.  Practices generally occur three times during the week at either the McCann Baseball Field,North End, or in the McCann turf room. During the season, we
play weekend three-game series with our home field at McCann Baseball Field.  

Earn Priority Points through Clubs and Activities

To earn one (1) point: Members must attend a minimum of 50% of club/organization meetings for the semester and 50% of club/organization activities.

To earn two (2) points: Members must attend a minimum of 50% of club/organization meetings for the semester and 75% of club/organization activities PLUS the community service event.

To earn three (3) points (executive board only): Officers must attend 50% of club meetings for the semester and 100% of club activities including community service. If executive board members do not complete all of the requirements to earn three points, they will be eligible to receive up to two points based on the above criteria.

Additional Priority Point Criteria, specific to club baseball:

In order to receive priority points, players must show up to all mandatory practices and attend all games unless told otherwise.  All players receive two priority points per semester.  

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